About the Centre
The Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS) was founded as an HSE research unit in 2001 by Vladimir Gimpelson and Rostislav Kapeliushnikov on the initiative of the HSE administration.
Over these years, the CLMS has become the leading Russian research team in labour economics. Its main mission is in basic and empirical research and evidence-based policy advice with the focus on labour markets in the post-transition countries. During 2001-2022, the CLMS published 7 monographs on various aspects of the Russian labour market and numerous articles in leading Russian and international academic journals covering a wide range of related issues. Together with “the HSE Publishing House” the CLMS issues the series of discussion papers WP3 "Problems of the Labour Market" with the total number of papers exceeding 150 (as at the end of 2022). In 2018-2020, the CLMS had the status of an HSE International Laboratory.
In 2018-2022, the CLMS focused on three research areas:
- Human Capital. Human capital is a key prerequisite for sustainable economic growth and well-being of any society. The CLMS pays particular attention to the evolution and use of human capital in post-transition economies, including its cognitive and non-cognitive components, dynamics of returns to education and issues of over-education.
- Labour market institutions. This work focuses on major institutions such as the minimum wage, unemployment benefits, wage setting rules and practices, and employment protection regulations. The design of these institutions has a strong impact on labour market performance, composition of employment and wage dynamics. A key issue here is how labour market institutions operate, evolve over time, and complement each other.
- Demographic change and labour markets. The CLMS explores effects of population aging, school-to-work transitions, migration, and gender inequality. Rigorous analysis of these themes is crucial for sound policies in matters that are vital for the future well-being of many societies.
CLMS, together with the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies, holds regular research seminars on labour economics issues.
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