Семинар "Adopting Telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective wellbeing during the Covid-19 lockdown"
30 ноября состоялся международный семинар IOS-IZA-HSE о влиянии дистанционной занятости на субъективное благополучие в период пандемии COVID-19.

Докладчик: Guillaume Gueguen (Paris School of Economics)
Тема: Adopting Telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective wellbeing during the Covid-19 lockdown
We uncover a positive effect of work from home on life satisfaction, especially for men and those without children at home. Concerning mental health, the impact is initially negative, but progressively turns positive as people adapt to this new situation. Most of these positive effects are driven by partnered people, as opposed to singles who suffer from transiting to telework. Joint research with Claudia Senik (Paris Schoolof Economics, Sorbonne University and IZA).
Семинар организован в рамках гранта, предоставленного Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (№ соглашения о предоставлении гранта: 075-15-2020-928).
Семинар прошел онлайн на платформе Zoom.