Customs, Career Choices and Self-discrimination: Why Women Earn Less
Experts from the World Bank and HSE University discussed the gender gap in salaries in different countries and the impact of socio-cultural, economic and behavioural factors on differences in earnings.
Seminar "Import Competition and Informal Employment: Empirical Evidence from China"
IOS-IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar was held on October 5, 2021.
New season of Research Seminars in online format
Regular joint Research Seminars of the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies and the Centre for Labour Market Studies and the IOS-IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminars will continue in 2021/2022 academic year and will be conducted online via Zoom.
Seminar «The (Un)Intended Effects of Promoting Labor Market Mobility»
IOS-IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar was held on September 21, 2021.

Education and Employment in ‘Hard’ Science Provide no Salary Advantages Compared to ‘Soft’ Science at Any Career Stage
HSE University economists question whether Russian STEM specialists are better paid than non-STEM specialists. They compare wages of professionals with STEM and no STEM majors, and those working in STEM and no STEM jobs and explore how the gap evolves over the life cycle. They find that there is no advantage of STEM major and STEM job over their no STEM alternative. They present their findings in a paper published in the Voprosy Ekonomiki journal.

The 'Curse' Is Lifted: Schooling Does Increase Graduates’ Salaries
Although many studies point to highly negative trends in returns to education in Russia, the situation actually appears to be stable and without any signs of overinvestment in human capital. This is the conclusion of Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Deputy Director of the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The results of his research are presented in the article ‘Returns to Education in Russia: Nowhere Below?’ published in the 8th issue of the Voprosy Ekonomiky journal.
Seminar «Using machine learning methods to support causal inference in econometrics»
IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar will be held on July 6, 2021.
Seminar "The Impact of Economic Sanctions on the Russian Labor Market"
IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar was be held on June 22, 2021.

‘The Traps in Our Way’: Experts Discuss Job Market and Human Capital in Russia
What fields employees can hope to get high salaries in? What is the return on higher education? How is life expectancy related to retirement age? These and some other issues were discussed by experts at the First Conference ‘Labour Market: Demographic Challenges and Human Capital’ organized by the HSE Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre.
Seminar «Education and Health: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Turkey»
IZA-HSE University International Labor Seminar was held on May 25, 2021.